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Friday, April 5, 2013

State of Decay Pax Info 2013

State of Decay was at Pax and there was a lot of coverage there.  Most of the information has been rounded up for us by the State of Decay team.   Check out all the information below at the State of Decay Official blog or read copy and paste. 

<edit> I also found a 20 minute video that has some good video coverage.



--copy and paste--

While most of the team toiled away on the last details and bugs (and if you want to know how those efforts might be related to the release date process, the answer is in our regularly updated FAQ), the intrepid team of Brant, Gronk, and me went to Boston for PAX East. If you were following us on Twitter or Facebook, or hanging out on the forum analyzing every single blurry cell phone picture, then… thank you! If not, read on.
Microsoft’s booth was our home away from home for three days.

As far as we could tell, this was all there was to PAX.

As far as we could tell, this was all there was to PAX.
We had a good neighbor – a team from a studio in Copenhagen, Denmark. They’re making a nifty platformer called Max: Curse of the Brotherhood. After three days of seeing the other team’s demo, we became mutual admirers.


State of Decay gear makes everyone happy.
The line to try out State of Decay was never less than an hour long, and all of our players were incredibly understanding and enthusiastic. Your passion for what we’re trying to do has always been the thing that kept us going, but during the PAX marathon, the energy of our players was the ONLY thing keeping us going.
We had to remember that we were representing the whole Undead Labs family back at the office. Fortunately, there was a reminder of the office in the game:

Hey, what's this?

Hey, what’s this?
Mostly we came back to the hotel and collapsed, but one night, we were fortunate enough to meet some future players in the hotel bar. A bar, mind you, that was a mile from the show and not near any public transportation. At 8:30 on a Friday. The attendees were hardcore! Sadly, I didn’t think to take the pic until the very end of the evening after some people had left. I won’t identify the people in the picture (they can out themselves if they want), but I will say it was a real joy to meet some of the people behind very recognizable names.

That is a fun group. I would expect no less.

That is a fun group. I would expect no less.
Overall, it was a fantastic show. When you’re working on a game, you get so you only see the flaws – and you get really nervous wondering if the ideas that seemed so great are going to turn out to be fun. Watching person after person get excited and walk away pumped about State of Decay, well, all I can say is that we are psyched. We can’t wait until all of you can play, give feedback, and post your own images.
Thank you for sticking with us this long. Not much longer, now!

At the end of the show, we were still standing. Barely.

At the end of the show, we were still standing. Barely.
Want to read the coverage that’s come out of the show so far? Here you go, in somewhat random order:
IGN: First impression
IGN: “The Most Awesome Games From PAX”
RelyOnHorror (interview and video)
Front Towards Gamer
Den Of Geek
Post It Gamer
Game Informer
Blast Magazine

If I missed any (and I know of a half dozen more still in progress!) please drop me a line at sanya at undeadlabs dot com.
Thanks again, and keep your eyes on the FAQ!

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